I came across this book tag on the Adventures of a Bookish Girl blog and I just HAD to do it. This is my first book tag, so I'm really excited. You can join the book tag too! I'd love to read your Guilty Reader tag.
Have you ever regifted a book you've been given?
I don't think I have. I love my books and I let people borrow them but never really regift them to anyone.
I also think it's a bit rude to regift a book someone has given you. Just give it a shot. Read it or add it to your bookshelf for the aesthetic.
Have you ever said you've read a book when you haven't?
No. I don't see the point of lying to someone about what you've read and what you haven't.
Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?
Oh yes, I have. I borrow books from my aunt every time I visit her and forget to return them. *wink wink*. She doesn't really mind unless it's one of her favorites, in which case, I give it back.
Have you ever read a series out of order?
Nope! I don't want myself getting lost in the plot. Or worse: spoiling any of the books.
Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?
I don't remember anything like that but I do enjoy spoiling movies just a little bit for my friends. It's fun!
Have you ever dog-eared a book?
I use EVERYTHING as a bookmark, even blades of grass or folded tissues. I'll slip in anything I can find but no dog ears. I don't like how they look, I guess.
Have you ever told someone you don't own a book when you do?
I might have forgotten about some book I owned and told someone I didn't. So I don't really know.
Have you ever told someone you haven't read a book when you have?
This question is similar to one of the above questions so, again, no, I haven't. There's no need to keep my reads a secret.
Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of a book?
Yes. When a book gets a little too slow and overly descriptive then I skip some descriptions because I'm too curious.
Have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually liked?
No, not exactly. I do point out the little things I didn't like about any book in my reviews and when someone asks me. I don't consider that "bad-mouthing" though.
That's all for the questions. You're tagged!
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